Non Profitable - Non Political Hyderabad Pain and Palliative Care Trust (HPPCT), formed by a group of selfless volunteers, established its office with home care support and will be setting up hospice with the aim of ensuring complete and comprehensive care to helpless human beings suffering from terminal and chronic illnesses.
Hyderabad Pain and Palliative Care Trust will be working to build a better world by creating a new way to help those suffering from various diseases.
Pallium – Cloak
Chronic disease with steady decline of health and acute crises in between is very different from acute disease with a brief period of ill health
Usually get cured
Back to normal except perhaps for the added financial burden
Goes home and resumes routine activities
What happens to the patient who needs regular attention for the rest of his/ her life?
What happens to the patient with incurable cancer after getting discharged?
Or the man who fell from the coconut tree and became paraplegic?
Or the patient with a major CVA?
Kidney (Chronic Renal Insufficiency)
Geriatric Population
-Dame Cicely Saunders-
Most of the existing palliative care services are a combination of some of the following components
Traditional Hospice
Hospital based inpatient unit
Outpatient clinics
Hospital based
Hospice based
Free standing
Home care units
Hospital based
Hospice based
Specialists have a definite but small role
Primary care physician in the periphery to be involved
Massive involvement from the local community